
Where do you ship?

We are proud to offer international shipping. You can place an order with us from wherever you live across the world and we will deliver your fine art prints or original paintings straight to your door.

How much is delivery?


  • Less than £99.99 = £4.49
  • £100 more more = FREE


  • Less than £99.99 = £9.49
  • £100 more more = FREE


  • Less than £99.99 = £12.99
  • £100 more more = FREE
How long does it take to ship my item?

Processing Times

  • Fine Art prints can take up to 14 business days
  • Originals can take 2-4 weeks

Transit Times

  • UK = 2-4 Days
  • EU = 2-11 Days
  • INTERNATIONAL = 3-17 Days
How can I track my package?

An easy way to track your order is via the Shop app with your tracking number you will receive via email.

Where can I find my order confirmation?

Your order confirmation and invoice are delivered to your inbox automatically after purchase. If you cannot find it in your primary inbox, it may have ended up in your spam folder!

Can I change my shipping address?

Please notify us within 24 hours of making your purchase to ensure we can redirect your shipment. Once your order has left our studio, we cannot modify the address. To request an address change, please reach out to us promptly through our contact page.


Can I return my order?

Fine Art Prints- Unfortunately we do not accept returns or exchanges due to the made-to-order basis of our Fine Art Prints.

Originals- Due to the high value associated with original paintings, all sales of these items are considered final, and returns are not accepted.

Gift Cards and Sale- Regrettably, we cannot process returns for sale items or gift cards.

Can I change my order?

Fine Art Prints - Due to the made-to-order nature of our Fine Art prints, we maintain a strict 1-hour window for cancellations or exchanges. You must reach out to us within 1 hour of your purchase to request any changes to your order or to initiate a cancellation. After this timeframe, we cannot guarantee our ability to cancel or exchange your order.

Original Artwork - All original art sales are final and therefore can not be canceled or exchanged.

What if my order is damaged or incorrect?

If your item has arrived in a damaged condition, please reach out to us within 24 hours of receiving your package so that we can promptly coordinate a replacement.

We will require photographic documentation of the following:

  1. The external packaging
  2. The shipping label on the packaging
  3. The damage to the artwork or frame


What payment methods do you accept?

We accept VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Maestro, Union Pay, Bancontact, iDEAL, Shop Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Paypal.

Which currency will I be charged in?

You can view and pay in your local currency. To change your preferred currency please refer to the top right-hand corner of our website.

Will I pay for taxes and duties on international shipping?

Jasmine Marshall Art is not responsible for any import duties, taxes, customs fees, brokerage fees, or any other charges issued by your local government. These charges are the responsibility of the recipient and the funds are received exclusively by your local government.


Will I get a certificate of authenticity?

To maintain the authenticity and value of artworks that appreciate over time, only original pieces and limited editions are accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Giclée fine art prints, however, are not provided with a certificate of authenticity.

Will my print be signed?

Fine art prints are not signed by hand, the original signature will be reproduced as part of the print. The tradition of hand-signing will exclusively continue for limited editions and original artworks, ensuring the preservation of their authenticity and value as they appreciate over time and safeguarding collectors' investments.

Can I commission artwork?

Unfortunately at this moment in time, we are unable to take commissioned artwork. if you would like to be the first to hear updates and news on future commission spaces please sign up for our newsletter.

Collaborations/ Contact

What is the best way to contact?

The contact form in the header bar is a great way to contact us, additionally, you can email us at info@jasminemarshallart.co.uk.

Brand Collaborations?

We open brand collaborations and would be excited to hear more. Please email the studio at info@jasminemarshallart.co.uk.